On the morning of May 17, Hanoi Museum held a seminar on "Museum education activities - Community connection" on International Museum Day, May 18, 2024.

In 2024, the International Council of Museums (ICOM) encourages museums worldwide to develop activities with the theme "Museums for education and research" to emphasize the critical role of institutions - culture, providing comprehensive educational experiences. In particular, the Museum is a source of original historical documents, a centre to encourage learning, promote exploration and creativity and build independent thinking in visitors.

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Mr. Dang Minh Ve - Deputy Director of Hanoi Museum spoke at the opening.

Speaking at the opening, Mr. Dang Minh Ve - Deputy Director of Hanoi Museum said that Hanoi Museum always focuses on creating educational program content for visitors, especially students. In 2023 and until April 2024, Hanoi Museum has organized for about 17,000 visitors to participate in educational and experiential activities such as the Mid-Autumn Festival, demonstrations of traditional crafts (making toy figurines, colonial hats, Me Tri green rice, Bat Trang pottery). Art performances included Dao Thuc water puppetry, ca tru, and Xam singing."At the same time, responding to the spirit of sharing with the community the difficulties facing people with disabilities, in recent years, Hanoi Museum has devoted many educational programs with the direct participation of people with disabilities as the role of experiential education guide or beneficiary of the Museum's educational activities. From there, we help create more jobs for people with disabilities, helping them to confidently integrate equally into the community," Mr. Dang Minh Ve added.

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Mr. Dang Minh Ve - Deputy Director of Hanoi Museum, took photos with the speakers.

The seminar "Museum education activities - Community connection" took place with the participation of speakers: Associate Professor, PhD. Le Thanh Ha, University of Technology, Vietnam National University, Hanoi; Dr. Lu Thi Thanh Le, School of Interdisciplinary Sciences and Arts, Vietnam National University, Hanoi; Ms. Nguyen Le Quyen - Director of Vietnam Intangible Cultural Heritage Promotion Center (VICH); Mr. Le Quang Binh represents the centre "For a liveable Hanoi"; Mr. Le Viet Cuong - Director of Vun Art Cooperative; Mr. Pham Viet Hoai - Director of Kym Viet Joint Stock Company; Mr. Ninh Quang Truong - Director, Producer, MC; Ms. Le Thi Lien - education officer of the National Museum of History. During the discussion, delegates shared stories about their ideas and journeys when creating a community education program, educational activities that have been successfully implemented, wishes when cooperating with Hanoi Museum to organize activities, and suggestions for future educational activities of the Museum.

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Speakers shared at the seminar.

According to many speakers, the majority of museum visitors are school students following experiential education programs, so museums should also coordinate with other units and organizations. The school organizes more educational activities, diversifying the Museum's learning content.Sharing at the seminar, director and producer Ninh Quang Truong said that the Museum needs to understand the "core" needs of people who come to enjoy it, from there, design suitable products and provide the appropriate amount of information and choose an engaging way to tell the story. He believes that museum owners need to think of keywords to attract the public and must find visitors' needs to create attractive, educational programs. Education must also be associated with entertainment elements.

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Director and producer Ninh Quang Truong shared at the seminar.

Nguyen Thi Le Quyen - Director of the Vietnam Intangible Cultural Heritage Promotion Center (VICH), shared: When there is a point of contact with heritage, people will open up the need to connect with that heritage. Her centre has achieved much success when deploying traditional performing arts products for students and families and incorporating educational and experiential elements into the program. Furthermore, designing a program serves the purpose of conducting and conveying knowledge, understanding, feelings, and formulas of that cultural heritage to the public. The centre considers the audience as passive listeners and part of the product. Therefore, it is necessary to find adequate directions to connect museum education to the public.

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Ms. Nguyen Thi Le Quyen - Director of the Vietnam Intangible Cultural Heritage Promotion Center (VICH) shared at the seminar.

"The Museum and the community have a deeply interconnected relationship. The Museum was born to serve the community, bringing valuable values and experiences to the public. However, that value does not only lie in the artefacts displayed in glass cabinets, the value is also reflected in the responsibility of museum workers and educators. That is how the public can feel, understand and retain a good impression of heritage. It is necessary to look at the solution from the public's perspective to diversify educational activities and experiences. At the same time, it is necessary to connect with relevant units, organizations, and businesses to bring the role of museums closer to the public", Ms. Le Thi Lien, Museum Education Officer of the Museum of History, shares with the discussion.

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Experience making stuffed animal keychains.

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Experience playing Sun Chess.

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Experience making paintings from fabric scraps.

At the event, vísitors will participate in free experiences at Hanoi Museum, such as playing Sun Chess and interacting with the author-director Ninh Quang Truong, making paintings from fabric scraps (Experience created by Vun Art Cooperative), making stuffed animal keychains (Experience created by Kym Viet); experience playing bronze drums (restored, replica drum) in the Hanoi Museum's exhibition "Echoes from the Past". Participation effectively attracts visitors to engage with the Museum's educational activities and promote traditional cultural values.


Department of Display and Education